Satz mit X
you I'm still a report of the visit so very very guilty and I do not know how to begin. For the stories with the lies I had images ever explained. Without high expectations on Saturday we went to the house and have found a rundown house, but with a nice garden and great views at the edge of a small village. One could make a lot of on / in / and around the house need in order to get fit and habitable. The owner has praised the booth to the skies and said that there were only a couple of cleanup necessary to feel comfortable in it well. Hm, yes. So if you clean up with a complete renovation of bathrooms and an extensive renovation of the rooms said, then he is surely right * cough *. Which we would now put off yet further, because we had invested the money well, if we would get for a cheap rent. But the landlord wanted to absolutely do not move away from the 700 flakes - for a non-insulated house, with single-glazed windows, inaccessible bathrooms and filthy rooms. Well, he should. I war schon nach dem zweiten Raum klar, dass wir es nicht mieten werden. Den Vogel hat der Besitzer jedoch abeschossen, als er sagte, dass er mit seiner Familie im Sommer auch den Swimmingpool benutzen will und die am Wochenende immer ihre Zeit dort verbringen würden... *ratter ratter* Na klar! Kein Problem! Und wenn sie schon mal da sind, können die auch gleich im Haus übernachten und sich an unserem Kühlschrank bedienen. Ach, ihr grillt grad? Oh prima, meine 10-köpfige Familie hat zufällig Hunger! Nee, is klar *augenroll* Also mal wieder ein Satz mit X.
Ich versteh die Portugiesen echt nicht. Wenn es um ihre Immobilien geht, haben die echt 'ne Macke. Die haben so horrend hohe Preise im Kopf, egal ob Kauf oder Rent, make that a house rather stand empty for years and had deteriorated before the price go down. Real stupid. Have the neck at the moment and full of such people ...
Then probably something dropped from my temporary and now I taste these Chemieplörre to me by my dentist lubricated in the root canal. So probably tomorrow must go back.
At least the sun is shining ... From the garden!
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