Bilder lügen!
And I should know! Finally, I am able, the odd wrinkles disappear from a portrait and / portrayed the n / um for about 10 years to make them look younger. Therefore, it surprises me that I advertised on photos of homes still fall for.
Visits in reverse order:
house overlooking the lagoon to the legacy it looked picture-book standard, well maintained and cared for. When we arrived yesterday in front of the house, we thought we would have listed the address incorrectly, or our Elton (Navi) has visited the meantime, a comedy seminar. The walls were actually held only by the falling color together, the beautiful garden in the pictures was ... hm ... full of herbs and plants that had no similarities to lawn. We had thought of going to a half hour delay on the part of owners to easily again - but when they came to grad and we had to also look unkempt interior of the house. So if too moldy to begin a wooden table and plastic chairs and rugs fluffy fungal covered are ... Örg * * I liked the fact I barely move, let alone touch anything more. When the owner told us that he would like to rent € 2 thousand, to our disgust was too extreme irritation and at least I had my love so hard not to burst into peals of laughter. Instead, I asked if he meant a monthly or annual rent and kicked him so probably something on your feet. But so be it. I like this Fettnapf taken. I would prefer to stick tacks in the eyeballs, as voluntarily to spend just one night in the house. Wäääh!
The "Bohrfirmenhaus" in Coto: I can not say it differently - it's great. Is maintained, super mit schönem Garten und *hachmach* da würd ich sofort einziehen wollen. Der Haken: Wir wissen weder ob noch für wie viel es zu haben ist. Es ist seit einiger Zeit unbewohnt und es "wurde mal darüber nachgedacht, es zu vermieten". Jetzt haben wir erstmal die Firma angeschrieben, ob es zu mieten sei und zu welchen Konditionen und warten auf Antwort, die hoffentlich Anfang der Woche hier eintrudelt. Also drückt uns bitte, bitte die Daumen, ja? Ich versuche zwar, mir nicht allzu große Hoffnungen zu machen, aber es will mir nicht gelingen. Ich lag die halbe Nacht wach und das Haus wollte mir einfach nicht aus dem Kopf...
Aber das schönste am gestrigen Tag war die neue Bekanntschaft mit einem Paar, das sich um das Bohrhaus care. It has been empty for 2 years - the house, not the pair - but is managed by the week, as well as the garden. The two are terribly fond of, we have supplied with good tips, and tell us valuable information for negotiating with the company. We will see us safely back, whether it'll work with the rent or not.
And then, on the way back this:
Can I evaluate this rainbow as a positive sign?
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