Gestern war "so ein" Tag. Das Wetter ist über Nacht gekippt und es war sehr bewölkt mit etwas Regen. Ich konnte in der Nacht zuvor kaum ein Auge zubekommen und war
Then I rang the tax adviser, because he already was late by almost 20 minutes. As it turned out, I had awakened him. He is sick in bed and have to say forget it. Hm, nothing special in Portugal, but still annoying. So
to friends who had invited us for lunch. I had all the time afraid to chew anything, so the crown does not come up again and I accidentally swallow. At each fork, which wandered into the mouth, I watched as hell so I took no pleasure in eating. On the way to the tooth fairy then this:
Caught in sheep jam. Therefore, arrived too late in the tooth fairy, but this was not so bad. But I hate being late and I felt really bad. My tooth fairy thought I was back phobic and made itself out to calm me down. After I explained the situation (yesterday I had not a spark of fear - I was simply too tired for it), I made my dentist to create the crown and did not get off. I was laughing almost tipped by this dentist sun: First I'll panic due to schedule and now the thing is sitting rock solid. You must keep me slowly freaks. After a few further tests, she received the crown from me yet, and cemented the part securely. I was just about to ask her if she does not want to give me a fixed, weekly appointment because I was there every week anyway, as she says to me "See you now, every week?" and get a grin. Määäh! But they gave me a bottle of Rivella (because I do not know the stuff) and I had to pay anything this time. I found very nice. Only I can not drink the stuff Rivella, because the cement takes 48 hours to complete curing and the carbon dioxide from the beverage as well not do. Let's see much as tastes good to me this lactic acid beverage. It sounds rather tasty indeed. Has any of you tried this before?
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