Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wording For Memorial At Wedding


Oh no. In recent days routiere we were really on. We have noticed that in our calculation for the future Company, had a big blunder in it. So far we have not just thought of two specific items which are included in the calculation and now the entire Einnahme-/Überschluss-Planrechnungskonstrukt like a house of cards fell in on itself. Yesterday we had a crisis meeting all day, because our current project seems almost hopeless. I speak in riddles? Does not matter, we currently have no notion about how we create the * Eye twitch *

Well, I search degree in the most remote turns my brain to the knowledge of my tourism degree in business administration and Pufi and I try, the whole calculation newly set up. Also, we need the search criteria for our Project total change. Hmph.

Dicker damper. But it has to go anyway. Klink, now I back off and throw it to the spreadsheet. How was again the break-even analysis? * Think *

Negatives: realignment and a lot of work do it again - to start again if necessary at A.
Positives: We have signed anything yet. Puuuuuhhh!


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