Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cold Sores Hashimoto's Disease


Bevor ich zum eigentlichen Thema komme, noch Mal offiziell ein herzliches Willkommen an unseren neuen Stammgast: Christa. Schön, dass du den Weg zu uns gefunden hast. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass du da bist und bleiben magst :-)

So, und nun etwas unappetitliches. Ich habe den Verdacht, dass dasKatze Würmer hat. Ansteckungsmöglichkeiten gibt es hier für ihn genug, ist er doch jeden Tag draußen und erjagt sich seine Snacks. Eine Ansteckungsquelle is therefore difficult to identify. It could have been any mouse that he has eaten in the last days. What surprises me is that he actually still worming protection would have to have, because I give him every 3 months a Milbemax tablets, and in the last 5 years, he has not had worms once. Prior to that either, but he gets the above preparation since around 2005 and it has always worked. Today I have 4 small (about 1 cm long, round, look like small noodles) worms from his Pöppesfell made under the tail off. However, sitting just below the vent in the coat and the anus itself, I was able to "look out" no see. Wow, that is always disgusting. But the description is now over. Of course he immediately get a worming tablet, especially since he can tolerate this drug really good.

Now I ask myself but if I did not act rashly. No worms in the feces were found, he still has appetite (unchecked and everything) and otherwise he has no symptoms. The coat is silky soft and shiny as ever and has normal vital (if one can call it that, with a cat, who usually sleeps 16 hours a day * Hmph *). Can it be that he has set out there somewhere purely in worms? But then would be to find in other places (eg the rear legs), right?
The more I read on the Internet about it, the more confused I am. Time people write that this is dangerous and you should absolutely to the vet. Others require that a sufficient worming and you only need to Doc, if it had not struck. Similarly, information about how long it need a cure to all the worms are destroyed, are contradictory in the network. If I have to wait for the vet, then how long? And what about the risk of infection for humans? dasKatze so often sleeps in our bed ... Oh man .. did not think that makes me the so tame. But he happens to be my Stinker ... Can anyone because of you bring some light into the darkness?


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