Friday, January 21, 2011

Which Type Of Bat Is The Stronger

Ja, ich bin Dschungelcamp-Gucker

So what? I condemn anyone who looks at midnight from the Hartz-IV-porn at 9Live. And no, I could not attend - at the Jungle Camp!
My problems would begin on the subject of food. As a life-saving measure is to me, even before the breath, the food intake. With the not particularly abundant emergent breakfast, consisting of 25 g rice and eight beans, my stomach would still be so empty that I, sitting in a tree crown, could work great as an acoustic waveguide for the local Bush-drummer. In solidarity to the jungle hero I wanted to try yesterday evening, a classic woodlouse, but somehow did the trembling hand not find the way to the mouth. For the problem with the type of food I could have one with the crowd. How many grasshoppers or meal worms, I'd have to eat to achieve satiety of 350 gr pork? In addition, triggers hunger in my file right bad mood, if not immediately satisfied. And I can easily turn into a hooligan children: cranky and aggressive - just a real disgust. Well, as it is commonly known that men are just plain stupid. For me there were probably some stitches not recorded. Regardless, with my bad mood, I would defuse all the mood in the camp guns.
What constitutes a difficulty for me is to share a toilet with several people. It horrifies me to use public toilets. For your own protection, I leave the explanation of the technique I used here. For a stop on the roadside outside of urban areas, are ready in the car Doggy bags and disposable gloves. No, we do not have a dog. In the jungle, I would prefer a remote hole in the ground To use even if it only stood sharp banana leaves and paper replacement available. Inset: Did I mention that we here in our house, have a toilet with a sea view? In fact, our guests from the terrace, "more views" on the ceramic throne, as the Geschäftsabschliessenden like.
Also, I'd have to still undergo an examination concerning the Company's ability. I like to sit together with friendly people, but to communicate about 16 hours a day with people and resolve conflicts non-existent, seems to be difficult. If you play in the bush to pass the time at least as could, for example, rain forest Mikado with whole tree trunks, head-ball duel with coconuts or this balloon animal node, only with a snake - who gets the most nodes in the animal that wins.
Finally I would like to mention that animal rights activists against the show may be set quite positive. I noticed that in the camp crawl no (dangerous) animals around, which means that they are protected from the camp inmates. I think that's a good thing. Not that the animals would have a problem with that peer Kusmagk to forget after he left, again, for what you do not know a. .. But when Walter Katy's car makers already looks different aus, denn speziell dieser Mann, gefangen im Körper einer Frau, hinterlässt einen bleibenden Eindruck. Leider nicht nur bei den Tieren.

Und – würdet ihr ins Dschungelcamp einziehen?


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