Monday, January 31, 2011

Penn State Singlets Wrestling

Plan B

... is in the works ... completely different ... but good :-)

More soon!

Put Ur Head In Different Hairstyles

Britisch Langhaar Kater(chen) in lilac abzugeben

Tinja's Li-La Baby is a British Lion Lanhaar hangover in the color lilac.
Löwis Lilac is very bright, pastel-colored and completely died away, so beautifully colored by British Longhair cats are unfortunately still very rare ...

Löwi is very people oriented and outgoing, he abused visitors like to reap some special cuddling .. :-) He is clearly great with dogs, and children really like it.

Lowi seeks a home where he can definitely be the king of the house,
is no prettier and more important as he says it!

My little Hezensbrecher
can move now, there
more information or an appointment to preview it cuddle under
033474 3988 553

Martina Gottwald
Bahnhofstr. 48 15 320

Free Zoophilia Gratis

Britisch Langhaar Kater in chocolate abzugeben

Tinja's Brumm Bear is a British Lanhaar / Highlander cat chocolate in color.

The Schokoladenbär is a very nice and friendly fellow, he knows dogs and is dsehr well with other cats.
hum bears can move immediately.

Bear is a very large and powerful cat. There

more information or an appointment to preview it cuddle under
033474 3988 553

Martina Gottwald
Bahnhofstr. 48
15 320 Neutrebbin

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cost Of Eye Exams At Shopko


only once a warm welcome to our new regular guest: Melanie! Nice that you found the way to the SchnackBar. Make yourself comfortable with us and make yourself comfortable. We are pleased that you are there.

I do it today in short
We've been through sleep that night none of us could not even dasKatze Can "zerdenken" the brain..? It somehow feels as if our thinking apparatus to a pulpy mass has become. Thinking no longer works. Not count anyway.

We make blog a few days break. Sorry, but we have to pursue grad "civil protection". And now we are trying to sleep a little ...


is not today of all days. We will (soon) again - no question!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wording For Memorial At Wedding


Oh no. In recent days routiere we were really on. We have noticed that in our calculation for the future Company, had a big blunder in it. So far we have not just thought of two specific items which are included in the calculation and now the entire Einnahme-/Überschluss-Planrechnungskonstrukt like a house of cards fell in on itself. Yesterday we had a crisis meeting all day, because our current project seems almost hopeless. I speak in riddles? Does not matter, we currently have no notion about how we create the * Eye twitch *

Well, I search degree in the most remote turns my brain to the knowledge of my tourism degree in business administration and Pufi and I try, the whole calculation newly set up. Also, we need the search criteria for our Project total change. Hmph.

Dicker damper. But it has to go anyway. Klink, now I back off and throw it to the spreadsheet. How was again the break-even analysis? * Think *

Negatives: realignment and a lot of work do it again - to start again if necessary at A.
Positives: We have signed anything yet. Puuuuuhhh!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Gok Wan's Chunky Scarf


All bibbert and shakes here in the Promised Land. Since Friday it is really cold, nasty east wind. Did I mention that rarely comes over from Spain was good? (I mean of course only moderate weather! Not that I / we will be misunderstood again!) In the summer the east wind brings forth here a sweltering heat and humid air in the winter and very chilly temperatures and icy winds. And that is the reason why even bibbert our Internet connection and trembles, and only sporadically transmits times the bits and bytes. Currently, almost a "flash-content", just like a car indicator: Does - does not - is - is not. And that in turn lies along the Portuguese way of laying the cable:

The mast, where the cable comes from, is located in Loorbeerbaum.

The cable hangs around between the branches and then goes through ein Loch in der Hausmauer ins Haus. Vermutlich hat es irgendwo einen Wackelkontakt und bei jedem Windstoß verursacht es einen Verbindungsabbruch. Daher konnte ich am Wochenende kaum mal bei euch vorbeischauen, geschweige denn kommentieren. Nachdem ich einen Kommentar 3 Mal hintereinander neu schreiben musste, hab ich entnervt aufgegeben.

Zittern tut auch dasKatze. Bei so stürmischem Wetter hat er ganz schön Angst und schreckt bei jedem Geräusch hoch. Auch nachts. Würmer hin oder her, er schläft wieder bei uns im Bett. Wir bringen es unter diesen Umständen wirklich nicht übers Herz, ihn nicht ins Bett zu lassen, wenn er so verängstigt ist und unsere Nähe sucht.

Zittern tue auch ich. Vor lauter Ärger mit unserem Handy-Netzanbieter. Wir haben hier so eine Prepaid-Karte, weil wir einfach keinen Vertrag brauchen. Mit 30 Euro Guthaben kommen wir fast 4 bis 5 Monate hin und bisher waren wir ganz zufrieden. Aber die haben irgendwelche Probleme mit ihrem System und seit Freitag versuche ich die Herrschaften dazu zu bewegen, diesen Fehler zu beheben. Die Folge meiner Bemühungen ist, dass meine Karte mit noch über 29 Öcken Guthaben, auf Status inaktiv gesetzt wurde, mit dem Ergebnis, dass ich jetzt noch Anrufe entgegen nehmen, aber selbst nicht mehr tätigen kann. In meinen E-Mails bin ich bisher sehr freundlich geblieben, aber heute habe ich zum ersten Mal eine fette Beschwerde mit fiesen Beschimpfungen auf Portugiesisch verfasst. Vermutlich lachen sich die Helpdesk Employees because of grad schäckig my choice of words. Well, if you do not know insults in Portuguese, has to serve just the dictionary and there you will not find the degree of what one is looking. Grmpf. As the nail-biting is so even further.

is stupid right that by the unstable internet connection and can not favorable calls to D and I neither my family nor friends could reach over the weekend. to send e-mails is also a matter of luck and chat is not at all. I find that stupid degree.

Yesterday we in the area in which we are looking for houses, hanging out in various cafes search ads. That seems to what to bring. Unfortunately, not what we hoped have. We are looking for just a large house with at least 5 bedrooms - and it is also in the display. But people call us and offer us 3 or 4 bedrooms. Once Hmph. Here I find it relatively difficult to make phone calls in Portuguese. People speak so quickly so that I have a feeling I have here in the last year, learned nothing. I must then ask a thousand times and the party are tired - at least I flatter myself that. I always ask to speak more slowly and always will be consistently ignored this request. Funny, because when I vis-a-vis a conversation with a Portuguese, it works reasonably well with the understanding ....

In such Moments, I'm always discouraged and think I'm too dumb to learn the language. But then I'm in a coffee shop and start a conversation with the landlady ... and it works. I understand it, they understand me. And the coffee tastes. And then I think - oh come on, try again!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Which Type Of Bat Is The Stronger

Ja, ich bin Dschungelcamp-Gucker

So what? I condemn anyone who looks at midnight from the Hartz-IV-porn at 9Live. And no, I could not attend - at the Jungle Camp!
My problems would begin on the subject of food. As a life-saving measure is to me, even before the breath, the food intake. With the not particularly abundant emergent breakfast, consisting of 25 g rice and eight beans, my stomach would still be so empty that I, sitting in a tree crown, could work great as an acoustic waveguide for the local Bush-drummer. In solidarity to the jungle hero I wanted to try yesterday evening, a classic woodlouse, but somehow did the trembling hand not find the way to the mouth. For the problem with the type of food I could have one with the crowd. How many grasshoppers or meal worms, I'd have to eat to achieve satiety of 350 gr pork? In addition, triggers hunger in my file right bad mood, if not immediately satisfied. And I can easily turn into a hooligan children: cranky and aggressive - just a real disgust. Well, as it is commonly known that men are just plain stupid. For me there were probably some stitches not recorded. Regardless, with my bad mood, I would defuse all the mood in the camp guns.
What constitutes a difficulty for me is to share a toilet with several people. It horrifies me to use public toilets. For your own protection, I leave the explanation of the technique I used here. For a stop on the roadside outside of urban areas, are ready in the car Doggy bags and disposable gloves. No, we do not have a dog. In the jungle, I would prefer a remote hole in the ground To use even if it only stood sharp banana leaves and paper replacement available. Inset: Did I mention that we here in our house, have a toilet with a sea view? In fact, our guests from the terrace, "more views" on the ceramic throne, as the Geschäftsabschliessenden like.
Also, I'd have to still undergo an examination concerning the Company's ability. I like to sit together with friendly people, but to communicate about 16 hours a day with people and resolve conflicts non-existent, seems to be difficult. If you play in the bush to pass the time at least as could, for example, rain forest Mikado with whole tree trunks, head-ball duel with coconuts or this balloon animal node, only with a snake - who gets the most nodes in the animal that wins.
Finally I would like to mention that animal rights activists against the show may be set quite positive. I noticed that in the camp crawl no (dangerous) animals around, which means that they are protected from the camp inmates. I think that's a good thing. Not that the animals would have a problem with that peer Kusmagk to forget after he left, again, for what you do not know a. .. But when Walter Katy's car makers already looks different aus, denn speziell dieser Mann, gefangen im Körper einer Frau, hinterlässt einen bleibenden Eindruck. Leider nicht nur bei den Tieren.

Und – würdet ihr ins Dschungelcamp einziehen?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cold Sores Hashimoto's Disease


Bevor ich zum eigentlichen Thema komme, noch Mal offiziell ein herzliches Willkommen an unseren neuen Stammgast: Christa. Schön, dass du den Weg zu uns gefunden hast. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass du da bist und bleiben magst :-)

So, und nun etwas unappetitliches. Ich habe den Verdacht, dass dasKatze Würmer hat. Ansteckungsmöglichkeiten gibt es hier für ihn genug, ist er doch jeden Tag draußen und erjagt sich seine Snacks. Eine Ansteckungsquelle is therefore difficult to identify. It could have been any mouse that he has eaten in the last days. What surprises me is that he actually still worming protection would have to have, because I give him every 3 months a Milbemax tablets, and in the last 5 years, he has not had worms once. Prior to that either, but he gets the above preparation since around 2005 and it has always worked. Today I have 4 small (about 1 cm long, round, look like small noodles) worms from his Pöppesfell made under the tail off. However, sitting just below the vent in the coat and the anus itself, I was able to "look out" no see. Wow, that is always disgusting. But the description is now over. Of course he immediately get a worming tablet, especially since he can tolerate this drug really good.

Now I ask myself but if I did not act rashly. No worms in the feces were found, he still has appetite (unchecked and everything) and otherwise he has no symptoms. The coat is silky soft and shiny as ever and has normal vital (if one can call it that, with a cat, who usually sleeps 16 hours a day * Hmph *). Can it be that he has set out there somewhere purely in worms? But then would be to find in other places (eg the rear legs), right?
The more I read on the Internet about it, the more confused I am. Time people write that this is dangerous and you should absolutely to the vet. Others require that a sufficient worming and you only need to Doc, if it had not struck. Similarly, information about how long it need a cure to all the worms are destroyed, are contradictory in the network. If I have to wait for the vet, then how long? And what about the risk of infection for humans? dasKatze so often sleeps in our bed ... Oh man .. did not think that makes me the so tame. But he happens to be my Stinker ... Can anyone because of you bring some light into the darkness?