A true story that went out not very pleasing ...
So watch your always with funny stories and too cheap things that are offered for sale ... !
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me today have become painfully aware that I was fooled on it ill. Here are my
me today have become painfully aware that I was fooled on it ill. Here are my
- belongings found on www.Mobile.de a motorcycle, the conditions were fantastic, Suzuki GSX600R K3, built in 2003 only 12,000 KM. 've Emailed those because no phone number available. Got response from the UK to have the bike was, however, the seller had in the short term to England, allegedly because his wife is expecting a child.
Here is the original text:
The bike is in good condition, has no technical damages at all, no scratches or dents, no hidden defects. Technical inspection and emissions testing
is passed and stamped as well.
It has title of ownership, cleared of any obligations or fees and comes with all the german documents. German registration with german TUV and german plates. I am sorry the bike is in England with me. I worked in Hamburg untill some weeks ago in a hospital. I had to get back home because my wife is having a baby. I'm in England,Manchester. I can not come to Germany. If you can come here its great if not I can arrange the delivery to your country and you will have a 5 days inspection period with the Escrow-Shipping company who will take care for everything about the delivery and payment too.
Please contact me back for more details.
Thanks in advance!
Hab mir nichts dabei gedacht. Er forderte mich auf nach England (Manchester) zu kommen um das Motorrad abzuholen, da ich nicht die Möglichkeit hatte, bot er mir an den Versand zu organisieren. http://www.globalfut.com, er hat mir auch die Bedingungen genannt wie der Versand abgewickelt wird und wie die Bezahlung erfolgen soll.
Hier die Email:
I can ship the bike as soon as I have your full name and address I will go to the Worldwide Shipp Company www.globalfut.com to make the delivery. To be both secure you will have to make a deposit of guarantee 50% to the shipping company account as soon as you receive the shipment confirmation. They will keep the money until the bike will arrive at your home address (in maximum 5 days) and during your inspection period. After this, if you are satisfied you will have to make the second deposit and send the rest of the money. They will send the money to me and you will sign the buy-sell contract and rest of the papers. If you are not content the bike will be returned with the same company on my expence and you will take your money back.
Waiting for your reply as soon as posible if you agree my terms. Thanks
Have I then looked at the website of the company and was pretty confident I have a company here in front of me where I can trust, have been investigating non-frivolous way on.
Anyway, I emailed him that I absolutely want to have the bike, then came five days no response.
Then came this email.
I had accepted his conditions and in the next mail he wrote the following.
The next mail came from GlobalFut team. In this mail me address of the seller, the "Sales Agent" and the shipping and payment terms indicated. Then I was asked to deposit from 1250 € to my "sales agent" to make. Payment should be made through Western Union that I've done everything.
After one day, I informed the bike was on the way and I should pay the other 1250 €. This has irritated me at first because I thought I would have to pay only when I received the goods. I shared my concerns and was then informed that if I do not send money until 5/27/2006 you would would send the goods back to England. Then got transferred also the rest.
Here the mail
Habe nach beiden Überweisungen die Geldtransfernummer die ich für die Überweisung bekommen habe auf deren Webseite eingetragen.
Hatte auch probiert die angegebene Telefonnummer in London zu erreichen, da war allerdings immer besetzt.
Sorry for my late reply. The bike is not sold yet. If you are really interested and agree with the terms Monday morning I will go and send you the bike.
I had accepted his conditions and in the next mail he wrote the following.
I've started the delivery. The bike with all papers is right now in custody at GlobalFut GlobalFut headquarter in London and it is ready to be delivered to your address. I've paid the shipping and everything else to them. You will get the bike in hours max 72nd The tracking number is *********
Thank you!
The next mail came from GlobalFut team. In this mail me address of the seller, the "Sales Agent" and the shipping and payment terms indicated. Then I was asked to deposit from 1250 € to my "sales agent" to make. Payment should be made through Western Union that I've done everything.
After one day, I informed the bike was on the way and I should pay the other 1250 €. This has irritated me at first because I thought I would have to pay only when I received the goods. I shared my concerns and was then informed that if I do not send money until 5/27/2006 you would would send the goods back to England. Then got transferred also the rest.
Here the mail
Dear Customer, We inform you that we have stoped the delivery of the bike because you have not follow the payment instructions that we sent you in our last email.
The bike is in Germany and we will start the delivery in the way to your address soon as we receive the payment informations and will contact you within 2 hours before the arrival.
We inform you that we must receive the payment informations untill 2006-05-27, if not we will return the bike in United Kingdom to the owner.
Please read with care our last email with payment informations and follow the instructions.
Thank You for using our services,
Habe nach beiden Überweisungen die Geldtransfernummer die ich für die Überweisung bekommen habe auf deren Webseite eingetragen.
Hatte auch probiert die angegebene Telefonnummer in London zu erreichen, da war allerdings immer besetzt.
Mich erreichten bis heute dann noch zwei Mails:
Nachdem gestern kein Motorrad kam bin ich so langsam unruhig geworden. Heute hab ich dann erstmals im Internet nach Erfahrungsberichten über diese Firma gesucht. Und bin auf diese Seit gestoßen:
Hier hab ich dann erst begriffen, dass die ganze Sache wohl ein FAKE war. Wollte es nicht war haben das ich abgezockt worden bin.
Bin dann zur Polizei und hab den Fall geschildert, hab dann vereinbart noch einen Tag abzuwarten und dann erst die Anzeige aufzugeben, in der Hoffnung das ich das Motorrad doch noch bekommen……heute kam dann noch diese Email:
Das Schlimme ist die Internetseite ist nach wie vor verfügbar und da gibt es bestimmt noch einige andere Käufer die auf diese Masche reinfallen.
Ich gehe davon aus das mein Geld und mein Traum von meinem neuen Motorrad futsch sind.
Aber man muss die Arschl* doch irgendwie belangen können.
has at least picked up the money at the western union payment center, the show finally had to get his ID card to my money. Did you help to me how can I proceed further??
there might still hope that I see my money again.
This is so sickening, where will it lead us yet?! O
with Love ...
29.05.2006 23.32UHR
Dear Customer,
You will receive the bike tomorrow, noon time.
Thank you for using our services,
Nachdem gestern kein Motorrad kam bin ich so langsam unruhig geworden. Heute hab ich dann erstmals im Internet nach Erfahrungsberichten über diese Firma gesucht. Und bin auf diese Seit gestoßen:
Hier hab ich dann erst begriffen, dass die ganze Sache wohl ein FAKE war. Wollte es nicht war haben das ich abgezockt worden bin.
Bin dann zur Polizei und hab den Fall geschildert, hab dann vereinbart noch einen Tag abzuwarten und dann erst die Anzeige aufzugeben, in der Hoffnung das ich das Motorrad doch noch bekommen……heute kam dann noch diese Email:
Dear Customer,
There is one small problem with the truck but we will fix it and continue the delivery to your address as soon as possible.
Thank you for using our services,
Das Schlimme ist die Internetseite ist nach wie vor verfügbar und da gibt es bestimmt noch einige andere Käufer die auf diese Masche reinfallen.
Ich gehe davon aus das mein Geld und mein Traum von meinem neuen Motorrad futsch sind.
Aber man muss die Arschl* doch irgendwie belangen können.
has at least picked up the money at the western union payment center, the show finally had to get his ID card to my money. Did you help to me how can I proceed further??
there might still hope that I see my money again.
This is so sickening, where will it lead us yet?! O
with Love ...
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I publish this post here because this is also a more important entry is the people can warn bei allzu günstigen Dingen vorsichtiger zu sein!!!!!
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