Sunday, December 26, 2010

Whats With Heather Harmon ?

Anna Sviridova a classic East Girls Scam (Live Report)

Anna ist ein überführter Scam,
 um zu zeigen wie gut die Antworten bereits geworden sind der Bertüger, habe ich mich darauf eingelassen und möchte Euch hier den Schriftverkehr (LIVE) übermitteln. Dieser wird hier laufend erweitert...

Es begann mit einer Anzeige im Internet:

Der erste Kontakt, WarmUP:
Von Anna Sviridova
Datum 13. Dezember 2010 11:48
Gesendet von
13. Dez. (Vor 13 Tagen)

Hallo my dear friend Martin!!!!!!! I am glad to receive from you the letter!!!!!!!! You very beautiful man!!! At you the beautiful body, a smile and eyes which speak to me about that that you the good person!!!!!!!
I was born in the big but amicable family. My parents have brought up me as the lady. I am on this site not for game I wish to find the significant other of soul. Or to have possibility to travel and see as there live people in other countries!!! But I was not outside of Ukraine, and I hope that soon my dream to be executed. I consider myself as the happy person!!!! Because I am engaged in favourite business. When to me the girl I comes I create to it new style. I worked in showroom on tailoring in which I increased quantity of the clients. And now I work at home, but I wish to open the showroom.

good answer to my first mail on Travel
By Anna Sviridova
date 23 December 2010 19:39
Subject Re [2]: 23
Posted by
Dec (3 days ago)

dear martin !!!!!!!
WAW !!!!!!!!!! You to visit many countries ??????? Tell what ??????? I hope that I will have to have examined Possibility adventures with you !!!!!?????? How you think it probably ???????

Nun will er meine Kontaktdaten,damit er besser antworten kann_
Von Anna Sviridova
Datum 26. Dezember 2010 11:22
Betreff Re[4]:
Gesendet von
11:22 (Vor 3 Stunden)

hello sweet martin !!!!!
I too am very glad to see your letter!!!!!!!
You know that I earlier not when weren't outside of Ukraine!!!!!!!! And I very much want to have big adventures!!!!! I will be glad to arrive to you!!!!!!! Write me the coordinates.
Your country?, your city?, the airport name?, if the airport not to be at you in a city that to me it is necessary to know the city name in Which He is?, name of the hotel being near your house? So it is desirable email him?
Your full name?

Let's see what's coming ...

Important: do not fall for!
The website where I was the cheater has detected a made by me from the attention that it is a scam. Therefore, I must say for the portal page of praise ... has

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Waring Professional Waffle Iron And Waffle Mix

Tinja's Fawny Casanova ( Britisch Kurzhaar fawn )

now leave:

Tinja's Caramell Casanova is a 16-week-old British short hair cat fawn in color.
Casanova is in color, Type of behavior and form in an absolute dream hangover.

Perfect in type and color, no bend in the nose, not been battered face, not a flat forehead, eyes open, friendly Gesichtsausruck, VERY big and strong ...
for each breeder and lover of this rare color, a single dream ...

enstammt course, this one non-inbred male mating ...

Since it is the legitimate question why we do not keep this dream hangover ..
och ... I simply give up because we are his sister and brother in cinnamon not fawntabby :-)
We will be in a nice Casanova, from breeding, provided respectability ...
would prefer us for our Casanova, of course, a nice quiet spot on the lap of an indulgent lover ...

father of Casanova is our award-winning Dutch Import hangover Swiftcats Big Benz, who is retiring after this litter of four years into retirement ...

fremdelt Casanova is extremely affectionate and verschmusst but a little busy and does not like movement and loud screams.
is therefore not Casanoca delivered to a family with young children.

more information or an appointment to preview it cuddle under
033474 3988 553

to find us:
Martina Gottwald
Bahnhofstr. 48 15 320

Address For Illinois 1099 Filing

Britisch Kurzhaar Katerchen in weiss mit Schokofleckchen abzugeben

From Now leave:

Chocolate Chip explores family connection ....

Or something like that ...

From our High White Chocolate litter is still submit a kitten.
Tinja's Nogger I have a British Shorthair Katerli in the rare color of chocolate-white high white.
he is definitely not chocolate and black, it as a guarantee given.

Nogger is cinnamon, long hair and color point carrier, for breeding that is very interesting.
We give our chocolate treasure of course depend in purely private hands.

Nogger is very loving, affectionate and alert, he is the iDial fürjemanden not a giant hangover Wants Nogger will get more the size and shape of his father and are only of medium size (4-5 pounds). There

more information or an appointment to preview it cuddle under
033474 3988 553

Sie finden uns :
Martina Gottwald
Bahnhofstr. 48
15320 Neutrebbin

In den Genuss Noggers gesamt-brutaler Niedlichkeit kommen Sie wenn Sie die Fotos doppelklicken, die sind nämlich in Postergröße eingestellt :-)

Wedding Invitations Software Printing Press

Post von Tinja's Lady Blueberrs und Tinja's Caramelbärchen

Liebe Frau Gottwald,

Wir wünschen Ihnen ein frohes und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest...

Liebe Grüße aus Berlin

Tinja's Lady Blueberry, Tinja´s Caramelbärchen, Arne und Kathrin

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Most Valuable Teck Deck

Weihnachtspost von Tinja's Barbarossi de Bear ( Scottish Fold red )

Katzenzucht ist eine verantwortungsvolle und sinngebende Aufgabe an der man lange Jahrzehnte viel Freude haben kann. Ganz besonders freue ich mich wenn ich Post meiner ehemaligen Kinder bekomme , es ist so schön zu sehen wie gut sich meinen Kinder entwickeln und wie glücklich die Familien mit Ihnen sind...

Hier aktuelle Post von Barbarossi :

Liebe Katzenmama!

Jetzt kommt mein 2. Weihnachtsfest und ich freue mich schon sehr auf meine Geschenke. Hier bei meiner Dosenöffnerfamilie fühle ich mich so richtig miauwohl, was man auf den Fotos gut erkennen kann. Ich soll dich auch von meinen Katzeneltern schön grüßen. Wir wünschen Dir ein frohes Weihnachtsfest sowie einen guten Rutsch ins new year. Please not so hot! With my 4 paws so I can not slip so quickly. I'll keep my 4 paws for a good future with my newborn buddies.

I give you a big-BABA BABA Schmatz

of Treasury

Barbarossi de Baer