Monday, November 22, 2010

Smallpyramid Sinker Molds

Blogger Buzz: Show off your Followers

Blogger Buzz: Show off your Followers

Are You Bloated After Umbilical Hernia Surgery

Riding Club Oberotterbach eV / HEIDEBRUNNENHOF

Der  Reiterclub  Oberotterbach  e.V.

hat auf der Generalversammlung am Samstag, den 20.11.2010 einen neuen Vorsitzenden selected.

Friday, November 19, 2010

How To Make The Rabbit Water Feeder

Nikolaus Ritt

notice and cordial invitation!

Our indoor arena gets a new pad!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Butler's Pantry With Wine Rack


H oday we had an appointment at the farm, which had the goal was to improve the riding surface in the hall.

Now, at the shareholder meeting of the tenant and the Association, whether this new surface will be installed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Head Ache Nausea Brown Period

Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach

Our indoor arena gets a new lining !

Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Extraction Forceps And Their Names

new on the homepage

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Example Of A Letter Of Interest In Aka Sorority


Monday, November 15, 2010

Steam Oven Or Invertor

Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach

Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach

Neutrogena Versus Celeteque

Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach

Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach

Free website - Powered By

Pasteurella In Rabbit

Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach

Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach

Vtech Troubleshooting

Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach

Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How Much Space Should You Give A Scorpio


Our investment:


For more information: CLICK HERE

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Body Of Influence Movie Online

the child was a child, too!

more information about the HEIDEBRUNNENHOF? CLICK

What Baby Cleanser Do You Use?

horses and children, says a picture is worth a 1000 words

Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 12, 2010

Kidde Alarm Battery Beeps

YouTube - HEIDEBRUNNENHOF - Oberotterbach

YouTube - HEIDEBRUNNENHOF - Oberotterbach

Headers Nissan Altima 2.5


What Colour Shirts Go With Black Suit 2010

NEWS FROM HEIDEBRUNNENHOF: Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach - Pictures from the visit part 1

NEWS FROM HEIDEBRUNNENHOF: Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach - Pictures from the visit part 1

Quotes About Babies An D Butterflies

Heidebrunnenhof Oberotterbach - Pictures of the visit part 1

A picture is worth a 1000 words:

more information about the HEIDEBRUNNENHOF: Click

Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Pokemon Platinum How To Open The Bag


such a day as beautiful as today ...

We had a GREAT GREAT and IMPORTANT group on the farm:


Lebenshilfe has visited us!

I have again found me, how important that coexistence converge between animal and child!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Where can I find the HEIDEBRUNNENHOF

Today I want to show you where and how to find the HEIDEBRUNNENHOF and what could be better than Google Map:

Larger Map

Homepage: CLICK HERE

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Build A Car Stunt Ramp

The children riding lesson

After latest sport physiological findings, we teach our children to ride on our pony riding straps and blankets.

This method supports the riding from the center of the body and not the terminals to the leg or into the stirrups.

The children learn to sit quietly and stretched in the horse, its natural movement will be retrieved and strengthened.

Do the children through a secure and balanced seat, they are put on the saddle.

children over three years, in a safe context to have quite naturally become familiar with the animal and to get on this road safety and responsibility.

is important to provide a precise base work die dem Schüler neben Spaß auch den korrekten Umgang mit den Pferden vermittelt. Wenn das Basiswissen vorhanden ist, kann darauf später problemlos aufgebaut werden.

... Übrigens, bei uns dauert eine Reitstunde 60 Minuten, keine 45 und das heisst, die Kinder oder Jugendlichen reiten auch 1 Stunde. Das auf- und absatteln zählt NICHT zur Reitstunde.

Zur Homepage: HIER KLICKEN

Monday, November 8, 2010

Gold Price In Mustafa 2010 Feb

MURDER ON THE FARM ... Today I would like to inform

more information:

Sinus Rinse Disgusting

Pferdeeinstellmöglichkeiten on the HEIDEBRUNNENHOF:

horse stables


- inside boxes

- Foreign speakers

- Paddocks

- open barn and paddocks

property offers:

- riding

- riding

- Solarium

- Waschplatz

- 5 ha Koppeln

- ein wunderschönes Ausreitgelände
   zwischen Weinbergen, Wiesen und Wald

Wir bieten Ihrem Pferd Vollpension mit 2 x täglich Füttern  (Heu und Hafer), tägliches misten (Stroh oder Sägespänen),  daily switching speed even in winter!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Alpha Kappa Alpha Letters Of Interest

scammer e-mails of pretty women from the East! (Caution cheats)

What a coincidence a very pretty and secluded Frau aus Russland oder aus anderen benachbarten Ländern meine Adresse erhalten ;-)

In den meisten Fällen ist dies jedoch kein Zufall! Und die Mädels heißen alle "Natalia", der Name wirkt offenbar bei deutschen Männern besonders gut...

Die Nachricht die man erhält kann in etwa so aussehen:
Antwort an Natalya
Datum 2. November 2010 00:48
Betreff Guten Tag, wie du lebst?(Best Greeting)
Unterzeichnet von

Ich will sagen, aber ich nicht kenne das Deutsche
Hi single man!I am Natalya from Russia.
I hope you are a single man. Because single I am.
I have faith in destiny that is why decided to write this letter using Email address which I observed somewhere in Internet on a meeting website.
I am going to discover my happiness, a man who will understand me and will be interested in me.
If you also trust in destiny and are interested in me or you like my picture you can answer me.
I will reply you message for next corresponding and picture exchanging.
Later down you can find my photo which I applied for you.

oder auch ein nettes Beisspiel:
Antwort an Natalia
Datum 8. April 2010 07:42
Betreff Von Natalia
Unterzeichnet von
Details ausblenden 8. Apr.
Hallo es Natalia aus Russland.
Ich habe deinen die elektronische Post auf einer der Webseiten der Bekanntschaften erkannt, ich erinnere mich jetzt nicht wo genau ich sah die elektronische Post .
Ich hoffe, dass du der Mann, und ich irrte mich nicht, aber auf jeden Fall werde ich mich uber deine Antwort freuen
Es nur mein Versuch der zufalligen Bekanntschaft und hoffe ich es der erfolgreiche Versuch.
Mir ist es interessant, die neue Bekanntschaft zu dir zu beginnen.
Du kannst mir schreiben, wenn ich dir gefalle.
Ich denke, es ware interessant, ein wenig Freund uber den Freund zu erkennen, und, von den Fotografien zu wechseln.
Ich werde deine Antwort warten.
Auch erinnere sich, dass es nicht den komischen Brief nicht spam, das Wort ist es jeden mich gemacht.
Mit herzlichen Gru?en, Natalia
Ich kenne die englische Sprache, fur deutsch verwende ich das Programm der Ubersetzer.

Hi it Natalia from Russia.
I have found out yours e-mail on any of sites of acquaintances, I now don't remember where precisely I saw e-mail.
I hope, that you the man, and I wasn't mistaken, but in any case I will be glad to your answer
It only my attempt of casual acquaintance and I hope successful attempt.
It is interesting to me to strike up new acquaintance to you.
You can write to me if I like you.
I think, it would be interesting to learn not much about each other, and to exchange photos.
I will wait your answer.
So remember, that it

Another example of this ...

Reply to
Date 18 March 2010 22:35 Subject
pleased Hide top of our correspondence details
18th March
I'm very glad I found you International Dating.
It would be very nice if we know each other better.
I have to tell you much about yourself
But now I will only speak a little about yourself! My name
Zemfira I live in the country of Azerbaijan. My Town is Askeran. He is not great, with about 2000 inhabitants.
But in this village, almost everyone knows everyone and connections. In our town people close the door because we trust each other. In Azerbaijan, where one person tells lies, or steal attempt, which may be punished very severely, or even drive drive from the city. Here we have a very Askeran all have severe and we can not lie from each other or anyone else. So we have many different traditions, I will talk to you about them in the following letter.
I sent for you to try to find you in my life partner.
I will be very happy for you if you Diskussion me more about you.
Ich habe auch empfohlen versuchen Sie bitte nicht schreiben obszöne Worte.
Ich bin einfach nicht geht, Ihnen zu schreiben rohen Worte und wird nicht versuchen, Sie in seinen Briefen zu beleidigen.
Wenn Sie nicht wollen Antwort mich zu dieser e-mail Bitte nicht berühren mich Grobheit
besser, einfach nicht auf diesen Emaile.
Ich bitte Sie nicht fragen Ich habe mir Offensive Foto
Ich will nicht versenden Sie solche Foto.
Weil ich gezüchtet Mädchen.
Ich schreibe diese Reply, weil ich bin sehr schwere Sinne zu dir kommen Beziehung .
Ich hoffe, dass dieses Schreiben wonderful Heimat werden unsere Kommunikation.
Ich würde gern warten auf Your answer.
All the best to your friend Zemfira

And still one to come:

From FrauTatyana
by: frau.tatiana @
Date 3 November 2010 03:22
subject of this letter Tatiana
hide details 03:22 (0 minutes ago)

We can online dating? We can talk about our ideas, and?
share our photo?
If the desire and time. I think we can force a friend! I hope
that I come with my 28 years in your profile, and hopefully have a chance with
you? I of Russia. I hope this is not a Problem uns? Long Distance
zwischen uns, kein Problem!
Mein Hobby - es ist Sport und Wanderungen (Es wäre toll, einen gemeinsamen Spaziergang).
Ich werde sehr froh Dating mit. Bitte schreiben Sie mir auf meine Postfach:
Ich will Beziehungen zu bauen Vertrauen und Ehrlichkeit gut ist wichtig!
Ich vermute, was meinst du, dass kranke Einsamkeit kennen - Einsamkeit ist das Herz. Ich will nicht allein sein.
Ich hoffe für Ihre rückwärts die Antwort!

Noch ein Beispiel, sieht unscheinbar aus, kommt aber aus der selben Feder..

Von Polina Bright
Reply to
Date 8 November 2010 01:53 Subject
int Good day my dear friend.
What is your mood?
have today I decided to register a dating site.
Au? Addition is meet my target, the man of my future life quality.
When I read your profile on dating site, I decided
that you are brave,
nice man who can grief for me and a big friend of his at the beginning of our acquaintance.
you are interested in my profile and my pictures,
please send info to my e-mail, I'll wait

Messaġġ ID 1289177625

Date 10 November 2010 09:21 Subject

Hi my new friend!
You really seem to be just exactly the type of man that I have been hoping to meet. Please tell me more about yourself, your interests. About me - My name is Evgenia. I live in Russia, in city of Bogorodsk. I'm 33 years old and I'm the serious girl. I shall hope that my letter was not vain and you write to me the return letter. Evgenia

Whoever really believes that these ladies are interested in for one, which should then also some money via Western Union is available , Make so that you can solve a visa to visit you!


are Respectable women from Russia, it also International Friendship
This exchange all the ladies know personally, since then serious contacts with no financial interest to be expected! I can confirm from my own experience!

A few images of a person that is used for Scam (Thanks to Belenos)

Name: Polina Durham
Date of birth: December 5, 1980
Origin: Russia in 12 years since Pope Kueda
Born: Vladivostok
From: "Polina Durham"

Auc known as Polina Bright (See Mail Transport above ...)

correspondence Text 1:
Hello my new friend.
I am very happy that She responds to my letter. I'm waiting for him. This is my first letter to you, but I hope that we have common interests and we will continue to communicate. I have never over the Internet and for me it's about a novelty. I very much hope that our communications with you to grow into a friendship, because I'm
lonely and I was happy to find his destiny. Although many say that their fate is not looking, and she finds a husband and our future depends, by our actions. Now, I liked you a little about you. My Town Kueda heist. You probably have never hear of my city, because we live far apart
. I have never been married and is now alone. I on 5 Born in December 1980. I am 29 years old, I worked as a Seller Bekleidungsgeschaft women. I like my job. I know, German. I studied the language at the university. I would be very interested to know more about you and your life, I am very interested in hearing about your city, traditions and holidays. What do you do in your spare time, what are your hobbies, what your plans for the future? I hope you like my writing. I am looking forward next to the letter.

correspondence Text 2:

I'm glad to see your letter .. Thank
Thanks for tells me about you.
I was very interested to know more about you.
I'm just about to have sex with you to Yahoo Chat, Find me
my joints, but I do not have much time to constantly be online, for me it is more convenient and
easier to write you a letter when He is free time, and I am like I ask you to write me a letter
to answer my questions, and of course went to every letter of the photo. How did you weather? Today, I might tell you about their city.
My Town hei t Kueda-it's not very safe city and is located in 1400 kilometers from Moscow. I was born in Vladivostok, and when I was 12 years old, moved We in the city of Pope Kueda. Now I'm about respect so and here. I'm very accustomed to this city.
I think you will like it too, because to live here, nature and verstandnisvolle people.
In big cities like Moscow very much en and all the people, wherever in a hurry and haste.
Our city lives a quiet life and measured all live very amicably.
I have a girlfriend. We love to walk together in the evenings and talk. We often talk about
the future because I think that at my age it's time to think about is
while creating a family.
Unfortunately I did not love and a man who is ready with the one up his life once and for all connection to
here wie die meisten Manner in Russland viel trinken und ein wenig Arbeit zu finden. Sie sind nicht in der Lage, eine Familie zu unterstutzen und wollen nicht einmal eine Familie zu haben. Fur sie Verstandnis Familie - eine Frau in der Nahe, die kochen, waschen, reinigen das Haus, geben Bildungsangebot fur Kinder-und Arbeitsbedingungen.
In Russland sind die Menschen nicht gewohnt, mit Frauen zu rechnen, und das ist sehr erschreckt mich, denn bis vor kurzem dachte ich, ich wurde sehr schwierig sein, die wahre Liebe zu finden. Fur mich ist die Beziehung sehr wichtig Respekt und Gleichheit ist, denn wenn zwei Menschen wirklich lieben einander, jede von ihnen sollte versuchen, dies zu tun, um ein anderes, es war nett zu ihm.
Ich mochte wirklich eine Liebe, the true bliss is found.
And how do you imagine a family and love? As you can see these things.
You are older than me and I think you are wise in these things because I know how to appreciate a man of experience. I do not think that we give you a big difference in age and in de contrary, I think that a family man should be older than the woman, because in this age love has no any value. I really hope you got my letter. I will wait for your reply.
Best Green Polina!

correspondence Text 3:

Good day, my friend!
to see, your answer!
I am pleased to read your letter.
you are a very interesting person and your friends are probably interesting to talk to you.
I liked about you learn more. I wonder how you spend your free time?
What is your favorite hobby in your spare time? Pleases you your job?
What are you doing after work? Tell to me more of your life.
I am very interested. Free time I try to spend with friends,
because I do not like solitude, but sometimes I might consider writing to be alone and think,
life, think about the future. I love to cook. Have you ever heard of the Russian kitchen?
This is probably one of my hobbies - something I love to do in your spare time.
I like the sport I love foot ball and gymnastics, you do foot ball? perhaps any other sport? Sometimes in my spare time I do drive sports, mostly the usual run around the stadium, but sometimes we play volleyball. I, and every woman to look after their shape and appearance, because every woman should look beautiful and elegant, but not vulgar. I do not like to overcast too much make-up, because I think that a girl should not of course
abuse and to look for. What do you think they should be painted a lot in order to attract people? After all, it is possible that someone wants it, but I prefer looking natural. Maybe you want with me talk on the phone, but I think we should not hurry with it, yes I have a phone, but we talk on the phone to be later, please let me know your phone number!
I hope you like my writing.
I will wait for your reply. Polina!


are Respectable women from Russia, it also International Friendship
This exchange all the ladies know personally, since then serious contacts with no financial interest to be expected! I can confirm from my own experience!

Von Elena
Datum 6. Dezember 2010 13:48
Betreff Brief
Details ausblenden 13:48 (Vor 7 Stunden)


Mein Name ist Elena, habe ich 34 Jahre alt und ich schreibe Ihnen aus einer Provinz in Russland.

Ich arbeite in der Bibliothek und nach meinem Job darf ich den Computer benutzen, wenn
moeglich ist. Ich fand einige Adressen im Internet, und ich beschlossen, schreiben Sie an
Ihnen diesen Brief.

Ich habe eine Tochter 9 Jahre alt, ihr Vater uns verlassen, und wir live with my mother

Because of the Unbearable "heat compared this summer, almost all of the potatoes and vegetables
's get dry in the garden.
Many of the forest burned down. We were doomed to starvation, and we spent all our
to buy some small savings Sa "
potatoes Bridge fu" r the coming winter (it is terrible because it was the price of potatoes
now 2-3 times more expensive than last year ).

Ku "Recently my mother lost job due to a deep crisis in our region and now our situation hopeless become

gas and electricity are very expensive, and we can not afford our goods" heat
amy home more. The

Winter kommt und das Wetter ist sehr kalt hier bereits (minus 19 Grad).
Wir wissen nicht, was zu tun ist und wir sind sehr a"ngstlich.

Der einzig moegliche Weg zu uns nach Hause Waerme wird auf tragbare Herd, Heizung aus der Nutzung
Verbrennen von Holz. Wir haben einen Holz-Einsparungen in unserer Scheune und das heizt
unser Haus den ganzen Winter ohne Kosten fu"r uns.

Leider koennen wir nicht kaufen diesen Ofen in unserem lokalen Markt, weil die
Wert dieser Ofen ist 7,870 Rubel, und es ist sehr teuer fu"r uns
(A"quivalent zu 196 EURO).

Wenn Sie irgendwelche alten tragbaren Ofen, und wenn Sie nicht mehr benutzte, werden wir sehr dankbar, wenn Sie es an uns spenden ko"nnen and transport of the furnace is up to us (we live 200 km from Moscow). These stoves are different, they are usually made of cast iron and weigh about
100 kg.

wu all my heart "I nsche you a Merry Christmas and a glug" Glad New Year. I wu 'desires, that the New 2011 years will bring Glu "ck, and all your health Tra" ume true!


PS I fu "apologize for errors in this letter, u" TRANSLATED I can with the help of
Google-U "translator. Please answer me in English because I studied it in school and I was able to understand you. Thank you.